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Who wants to play this... it looks hilarious!

Sha8doW's picture

Who wants to play this… it looks hilarious!

Its called “secret hitler” its like a computer version of a table top game….

Matt/Blood/Crazy_As/Milzy…. If you’re trollin/lerking, I NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME WITH YOU GUYS


ltmon's picture

It looks great

Been following it a while…. It looks like a very clever rule set.

Let me know if you need a playa and I’ll try find some time for it (ltmon Jr. is sucking away all my time lately, but I’ll try and be optimistic!)

linuxslacker's picture

yeh tabletop simulator is cool

looks fun. names need to be changed a bit for playing downunder :)

chipper's picture


it’s very funny but that has to be one of the worst instructional videos ever!

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